Classroom Teachers in the Prep/Foundation area:
Prep/Foundation A: Mr Cameron Mitchell & Miss Ruby Edmonds
Prep/Foundation B: Miss Tia Rigoni
Prep/Foundation C: Ms Bec Warren
Prep/Foundation D: Ms Megan Watt and Mrs Loukia Constantinou
Term 4 Overview
Weekly schedule:
PE and HEALTH - 00A Thursday 00B Thursday 00C Wednesday 00D Tuesday
ART – 00A & 00D Wednesday, 00B & 00C Thursday
MUSIC - 00A Tuesday, 00B Wednesday, 00C & 00D Thursday
AUSLAN – 00B Tuesday, 00A, 00C & 00D Thursday
Library - 00A Monday 00B Thursday 00C Wednesday 00D Wednesday
Important Dates
Monday 7 October - Term 4 Begins
Friday 1 November - Diwali Day
Monday 4 November - Curriculum Day (No school for students)
Tuesday 5 November - Melbourne Cup day (Public Holiday)
Monday 11 November - Remembrance Day Service
Friday 29 November - 150 Year Celebration Day
Tuesday 10 December - Step-up Day
Friday 13 December - Curriculum day (No school for students)
Friday 20 December - Last Day for Term 4, 12:00 Dismissal
In term 4, the Foundation students are focusing on the following:
Home Learning
We will be sending home one decodable “I Read To You” text per week once a week. This is for your child to read to you nightly. The focus of these books is for matching sounds, breaking up (segmenting) words and putting them back together (blending). The same book is read five nights a week to help build up segmenting, blending and to help build up fluency.
We will be sending home up to five of the “You Read to Me” books that will be selected by students, as they would like these books read to them. These are for you to read to your child nightly. The focus of these books is for your child to hear what fluent reading sounds like. You can read a different book to your child each night. You can also read a book again on a different night if your child wants to hear it again.
Please read the letter in your child’s reader bag for further information on which day to return your child’s reader. Please remember to send the reader bag back in weekly so they can be changed.
Sharing News
Students will be doing sharing news weekly. Please see the information in your child’s reader bag.
Math Seeds & Reading Eggs
Your child can log into these apps at home to practice their reading and numeracy. At this stage, it would be preferred if students used Fast Phonics, rather than Reading Eggs. Please contact your child’s teacher if you do not have your logins.