Thank you for considering enrolling your child at Beveridge Primary School.
Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
The Department of Education has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.
The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Beveridge Primary School.
You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
The factsheet and poster linked below provides a summary of the Foundation (Prep) enrolment process.
The factsheet includes key dates in the 2025 enrolment process and Frequently Asked Questions.
The poster provides a step-by-step guide of the enrolment process (without any specific dates for 2025 enrolment).
PLEASE NOTE: It is a legal requirement that a copy of a child's Birth Certificate and Immunisation History Statement are provided to the school prior to commencement. Please forward these along with the enrolment documents. The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register records vaccinations given to children under seven years of age and provides parents/guardians with a statement of their child's recorded immunisations once a child turns 5 years of age. You can request a copy online at
Enrolments CANNOT be accepted unless relevant paperwork is submitted to the school office.
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